Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What else is there I can do?
I have so many irons in the fire that the heat is cold. I was asked how long will it take to get my TR6 back together, I said, 'three years'. For me to find the replacement part of the TR6 shouldn't take too long, three months. Now me to learn how to weld them in place will be the challenge. And to learn how to replace rust spots will be another challenge. I have already discovered something I don't know how to deal with. A stock tire will not fit into the trunk well. It is too big in diameter. And with all the wire wheels damaged, curb, what to do with the rims? They were painted, power coated will be better after all.
I am still in the process of building locating pad to the rotisserie. And the rotisserie will be out of balance. But everyone who has to use it will be happy that they don't have to get under the car.
You have to realize, I never intended to have a car in my workshop. Strictly a wood shop. But wood around is hard to come by. Anything from the big box stores warps, cups, twist, or splits by time I get it home. I have tried to use fallen limbs and had some success, but the material to use is small. I will learn to work with smaller sizes. There is that word again, learn.
Have you heard about the wood carver trying to teach the kid how to carver? You know how he says, 'just cut away what isn't suppose to be there.' i.e. carve a bear, just cut away what isn't a bear. Well I can't tell the difference. Do you? And lately I have seen things that might fall into my abilities. Abstract stuff. Who would know then.
One last thing, I have a friend who lost her job a good while back, and hasn't been able to find long term employment as of yet. She was to join a social network site. She is afraid of losing her identity and or getting spam. She has always lived a sheltered life. She doesn't believe in any technology, including a microwave. No cell phone. But she does have a computer because she used one at her old job. She has internet access but mostly for e-mail. That's it. Nothing more. On the other hand I don't have any problem signing for most anything. Heck, Google has me all over the place.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So a friend has sent you unwanted...
How do I teach, from a great distance, about the etiquette of the Internet and e-mail. At least he does use decent grammar and some good punctuation. For a while he would put his message inside the message he was forwarding. He usually only write about two sentences or three. But anything much longer, forget. He will show me something he got new, but I ask what did he get his wife, that goes in one eye and out the other. Nothing to slow anything down. He might be a little on there on one wing, right or left, that is the only thing he thinks he understands.
I am struggling with a few people who do this kind of stuff because that haven't been around the Internet to long. This Internet is great as long as it is free. There are, however, the are some places who don't always steer you in the right direction of give you the correct information you really need. Yet it is a great place to search and find new things.
I wish I could put into words what I am thinking. I wish others could see what I have seen. I wish I knew what is right. I know, wish in one hand, and the other will remain as it is.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Have you seen anything NEW?
Also I just saw CNN do an interview with a hologram image. That is cool. But I wander what it looked like on the set. Will this replace telephones? You do remember telephones, don't you? The quality of land lines is quite high and I think, better than cell phones. But then again, think about having a hologram using your cell phone. That would come handy trying to find answers from people you trust. It seems there is more to this than metes the eye. There is nothing like being face to face. But I can see some electrical doctoring of those pixel generation.
Have you seen these new TVs, computer monitors that the news channels are using with there two fingers to show what is going on. Microsoft showed this off a while back and now we see its uses. I don't see work being done with this type of interface.
OK, so what is the next technology for you? Can you get away from the internet? Do you take everything with you? How many devices does it take for you live in your comfort zone?
Is any of this going to help you get work done? Does all of this new stuff help you make decisions for things you need to make your comfort zone better?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Accident happened.
So the other day I went to help a fried pour concrete ends over his culvert. He had previous poured the bottom half, and now was ready for the top half. I didn't say anything when I didn't see any 2 bys as part of his forms. Instead it was 1/2" OSB or plywood. He did use screws, but screws don't work in end grain. Besides OSB and plywood have a tendency to flex. Which they did.
What was worst was the concrete truck driver did some things which he knew better but we all don't think the little things will hurt. Wrong.
The bottom of the forms blew out and we stopped the pour. At which time the driver should have cleaned out the shoot. Otherwise, if allowed to sit, it will harden in a short amount of time. Which it did.
We spent some time trying to shore up the base of these forms. I will never work concrete unless there are 2 bys as part of the forms. And these 2 bys must be on the outside of the forms.
I wouldn't say we lost much, but way less than a yard spilled. Also the form didn't allow a large enough opening to easily get the concrete into the forms. This friend tried to make an funnel but its smallest part wasn't small enough without allowing concrete to spill out. And some of the material he used for this funnel was OSB and even used screws. Near the end of the pour, that funnel gave out.
So with the rest of the concrete the driver poured some into the wheelbarrow and the rest near the base of the forms.
OK, so I'll move the wheelbarrow and dump it where it was needed. Heavy, work area not level, braces in the way, and me. I got up the little bump, but it started to tip over, I tried to catch it, and oh holy hell broke in my body.
It was like being shot by lighting. Some muscle in my leg gave way/tore/or something like that, and I was in P A I N. I didn't fall, but I wish I had. But I was unable to lift my arms, raise my head, nor speak very loud. I was unconscious. They called 911, and I was on my way to the hospital. If I tried to move my leg, the pain was intense. The pain was greater than the leg cramps that I usually get.
Doesn't matter, when I got the hospital they only x-rayed my knee. That it.
So after a while, my wife showed, and this friend. He was so worried he was upchucking. A few pills later, they put a splint on my leg, and sent me home. Did you ever try to get into a Jeep with your leg clamped straight? After a fashion I made it. Felling little pain, we stopped at the drug store to fill the prescriptions. And then home.
I can walk on the leg, but not big steeps. I like to sleep on my side, but that is out of the question. Flat on my back or flat on my stomach. Funny, I can bend my knee but not with anything on it or stand.
So here I sit.
If time waits for no man, what am I doing?
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Old, I am.

Wife wanted a dream catcher of sorts. She wanted a lattice work behind the swing on the west side of the back porch. You seen the stuff at your local building supply center. There is that plastic stuff, and it's OK in some places but it isn't what I want on my porch. There is also that pressure treated stuff, and that wouldn't do either. Also there is some thin stuff, but I found 4'x8'x3/4". But this isn't quit right either. That thickness was more like 13/16" to 7/8". I bought some 2"x4"s and cut a 13/16" grove into them. But that was too tight and would allow it to move. There is a point here, tight and move.
I had the whole thing laying on the porch and got it to fit. But when I stood it up, noting fit and I had cut off sum excess at the top, now that was just about the right height. That lattice flexes. So the size change depending how it is supported. At least it will hold up holding 'Morning Glory's' and when they die, the stronger lattice will not fall apart taking the vines down.
Well finally got it to fit stand upright. I cut it off at the top and fitted with long clamps and straps. Screwed it tight and the only thing missing is a hole in the center in the shape of a "Zia". That's a New Mexico symbol.
Climbing up and down that ladder just less than 50 times is getting old. But now my wife is happy. I just fell older.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thing don't always go the way you would think.
We started at the Balloon Feast, and took pictures from the east side of town. Sun in my favor. Little did I know I had the camera set to something that I could not use the pictures no matter what I tried to fix them. So much for that.
So I decided to go to Las Cruses and pick up some items the neighbor wanted plus things I needed. So we stopped at Harbor Freight. I need some bandsaw blades for my cuttoff saw. Thin pickings but I found 2. The neighbor needed some 6”x48” belts, they only had one pack on display. I needed two and found a person to get me the other one. Also he needed some 9” sanding disc 100# grit. They only had 80# grit. Sucks.
Then I got the bright idea, since my other air grinder I bought works so great, I thought it would be get a “Right Angle Head Air Grinder”. I had one of the personal to open the locked cabinet and get me one out. He did. He also carried to the check-out.
Not this is the fun part. When I got home, I could not find that right angle head air grinder. So I looked at the receipt and it wasn't on it. I didn't pay for it, therefore, I didn't get it.
60 mile one way trip for part of what I went after. So much for life.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Monday, September 15, 2008
Seems like a long story, but if it happens to me, what about you?
So this is how I was on there list of unclaimed money. An insurance company decided to change policy holders with stock of the company. So somehow the insurance company decided this was what they wanted to do, so they needed to send the policy holders the money.
This is the part that caused the problems. The insurance company hired another company to mail out these checks. Since I had moved, twice, the letter was returned to that company. They then turned over the returned mail to the State of Michigan. They in turn posted my name and old addresses to there internet site.
Now since this person who tracked me down gave me enough information to follow up for myself. Now it have been a week waiting for the state of Michigan to send me the form they required plus what phone number at that insurance company to get that policy information. Once I get all of that filled out and send it back it could take additional 180 days to resolve.
Who knows, you may have money coming to you. Check the state in which you have lived, including you current state. Get lucky.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I got so much to do, but I find it fun.
There is also rain to deal with. Mud cause me to make a wooden sidewalk at the door to the shop. There is also a need to lay down the ground to replace the license plate on the trailer I bought to haul the TR6 back to here from Indiana. Now I don't really need the trailer, but I do need it to haul something longer 12'. And who knows what all I could use it to haul.
There is so much to watch both on TV and the Internet. There are these things called video podcast and they provide so much information it is a bear to keep up with everything I hear. Not everything is music and I have little interest except while driving is when I most like it.
How much can I put up with and how to deal with everything I need to do? I need to make more room to allow me a place to put the body of the TR6 for a while. I need to build an rotisserie to hold the body for the sandblaster, and maybe the painter. Plus I need to replace rust everywhere on the car.
Also watching the Science Channel, History Channel, Discovery Channel, and others like these, are showing ways to slow/stop Greenhouse Gases from causing Global Warming. The work that I have seen, I would like to be there to participate.
I guess I am getting to old to get everything done that I once did. But I enjoy what I am doing, and think I am having fun.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Getting to a point is getting harder.
I am working on building a rotisserie for the guy to use to sand blast it and maybe another guy to paint it. I probably could paint it myself, but I am not near good enough. The tub is going need new floor pans and other areas are going need an lot of work and a rotisserie will easy access.
Don't even ask about the engine. That will probably be another story in it self. But with body off, I can check the frame for cracks and change to tube type shocks.
All I want out of this is a driver.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico
Thursday, September 4, 2008
One of the things that I am interested in is, Computer Aided Design/Drafting, CAD, computers, woodworking, Sprint Cars, cars, and my wife. Not necessary in that order.
At this present time I am working of a '70 Triumph TR6 that is in petty bad shape. It is all there, I think, but it hasn't been started over 15 years or longer. The gas in the tank is black. The engine has one cylinder that is 25% lower than the rest. Otherwise, I don't know much more about it.
It has been repainted, Mallard Blue, if you will. And I believe the frame is cracked or may have a break in it. The floor pans are rusted and the previous owner tried to fix them with very thin sheet aluminum using both rivets and sheet metal screws. The fenders, rears, were held on with some silicone and one had been brazed. There is some rust in the panel joints.
I am at a point now that I have stripped everything off of the body. I am ready to pull the body off the frame. I want to make a rotisserie for the body because it needs to go the a sand blaster to clean it. Also the frame needs to go the the sand blaster to get rid of the surface rust. Then the frame can be painted.
As for the body, I guess I can learn how to fix it. There should be more in this paragraph than just that sentence.
The engine I will deal with after the frame is painted. Not a good idea, but I don't want to purchase other equipment. Although, with me building a rotisserie for the body, the two ends could be engine stands. At least that is the design I am working on.
Anyway, I have been watching a site that strictly work with Triumphs. I have posted questions there and have gotten great answers that I can't believe how this works.
Another thing, I don't want to purchase items that I won't use but this one time. An engine hoist I can rent. I hate not having tools.
W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico