Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You too can save money and stimulate the economy.

I have this idea to same you money and at the same time stimulate the economy. Buy American. If it isn't made in America, they you don't need it. But if you think you do need, make it your self. Who knows, maybe your neighbor might want one too. If you think you have a better idea, let me know, otherwise, try my way out. There is something else that would stimulate the economy, the people who you do business with should use tools made in America.

I know that it is hard trying to find anything made in America, but you just got keep looking. We, America has lost a lot of jobs to other counties. Could these jobs come back? I can see why not. And if you use the bottom line, price, as criteria then we need to look deeper. Example, one guy operating a drill press in one shop gets paid so much. Another guy down the street does the same job but gets paid much less than the first guy. And I don't know why that is. How can that be? I don't want to go there on that subject. But all things being equal, yes jobs can return to the U.S.

Have you noticed these custom cars shows on TV lately? Well somebody is putting good money to these cars to be made. There is a whole bunch of show or podcast about woodworking. Many people have made many items more than once. They made it for themselves and others, like friends or people who paid for these items. Have you notice all of these crafts shows? They too are items made by Americans for Americans.

Well that take care of the small talk, now for the big thoughts. Where do you invest your money? I hope my money is someplace make more money.

W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico

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