I found an article that someone sent me about people using a wireless device that gets the ‘security code’ from a key fob that is used to lock and unlock your car door. Example, you are stopping at a rest stop along the highway, you get out of your car and use you key fob to lock your car. That sends a signal to you car to lock the doors. A person sitting at this rest stop with this wireless device captures that signal and then uses to unlock your car’s doors and steal valuables inside your car.
There is a way to avoid this, to lock your doors manually. Push the button on the door or use your key to unlock or lock the car. Is this new to you? That way the person with the wireless device might save the code to use it later. (Although, as I understand some cars change the code each time it is used. Don’t ask me; ask your car’s manufacture.)
Along these same lines, I have heard of a similar device that allow people to sit in areas like coffee shops and scan the area for ‘credit/debit cards’ that have RFID tags in them. Therefore, that can capture that information/data on the chip and use it to steal your identify. I don’t know if these wireless readers can change or corrupt the data on the chip, but that could cause other issues when people try to use them as they were meant to be used. Like opening doors or gates or something like that.
With that said I have a problem with people who use wireless devices these ways, and the people who condone their usage.
W. Kirk CrawfordTularosa, New Mexic0
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