Friday, April 10, 2009

I am not the only one who off.

A friend asked me to hang a storm door for his hothouse. The storm door was smaller than the opening but several inches in both directions. So I took the door and a couple of 2x4s and made a frame for the door. Everything seem to be working quit well. But the 2x4s split easily. More work gluing the splits even if you drill a pilot hole. Now that is done.

So now is the time to hang the door. Remember I said that were several inches, well the opening wasn't plumb nor was the 4x4s straight. The header was too low. After cutting off at least an inch, the door frame need a little room. Taking a saw and cutting the tight spots soon gave relief to get the door in the opening. I didn't have near enough shims so I left it nailed in place. I'll let him to get some shims and he can screw it home.

Speaking of using something in a little different manor. This same friend got a chance to get some aluminum storm windows from a house. These windows we installed on the inside of the house, and turned on there side. So the other day he placed two of these windows into a wall of his hothouse. The other day, he thought he had a micro-burst, because the windows glass was blown out of the wall. Now mind you the wall has no roof, or any other walls. This was a free standing wall and not all of the wall was covered. Just like hanging the windows from a clothesline is the best way I can explain it. This wind broke 3 out 4 glass windows. One screens was bent. I just can't explain what happened.

I have been working on different thing for weeks now and have gotten very little done. I hope that changes soon.

W. Kirk Crawford
Tularosa, New Mexico

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