Friday, June 29, 2012

What is the price of your data?

What is your data worth to you?  What do you keep, or lose?  How long do you expect to keep your data? How do you go about keeping your data?

OK, so I've lost my backup drive again, and it will cost $1800 to get the data back, maybe.  I've never been able to keep anything until about 2005.  Now I've got a lot of paper stuff, but nothing electronic type of data.  Is there any reason to keep anything?  I heard the other day that people in the fires are taking there pictures, paintings, photo albums, Bibles, family keepsakes, not to mention pets and children.  This though is making me sick.  I'm not ready to give it up yet.

This is a questions that people don't want to talk about.  Nor do they even want to think about it.  I've got a friend that has been scanning all of his paper document and storing them electronically.  NO PAPER.  But how do you go about keeping this?

I've been told and I've preached, if you don't have your data backed up on at least two different drives, and one of them off site, then there's a good chance of losing your data.  I've had at least three of these drives fail.  And two of them at the same time.  And now I'm doing the dance again of getting my data back.  When will I ever learn?  Most of this data is just pictures.  Could I do without it, why of course.  But why would I want to be without it?

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